Board of Directors
The Board of Directors controls and supervises the operations of the company and approves the key operating principles, objectives and strategies. The duty of the Board is to promote the interests of shareholders and the Group by overseeing the administration and proper organisation of operations. The Board of Directors has established three committees: the Audit Committee, Remuneration Committee and Large Contract Committee.

Jacob Götzsche
Executive Chairman
Executive Chairman since April 2024. Member of the Audit Committee and Large Contract Committee. Born in 1967. Not independent in relation to the Company and its Management, independent in relation to major shareholders.

Mikael Aro
Board member
Board member since April 2024. Member of the Remuneration Committee. Born in 1965. Operating Partner at Triton. Independent in relation to the Company and its Management, not independent in relation to major shareholders.

Hans Petter Hjellestad
Board member
Board member since April 2024. Member of the Audit Committee and the Large Contract Committee, and Chairman of the Remuneration Committee. Born in 1991. Investment Professional at Triton Independent in relation to the Company and its Management, not independent in relation to major shareholders.

Mats Jönsson
Board member
Board member since April 2024. Chairman of the Audit Committee and Chairman of the Large Contract Committee. Born in 1957. Independent in relation to the Company and its Management, independent in relation to major shareholders.

Peder Prahl
Board member
Board member since April 2024. Born 1964. CEO and Managing Partner at Triton. Independent in relation to the Company and its management, not independent in relation to major shareholders.