Making a change starts with a conversation.

A strong organisation - the best of two brands
Contact information
- Head Office:
Västberga Allé 1
126 30 Hägersten, Stockholm, Sweden
- Switchboard Assemblin: +46 10 472 60 00
- Contact Page Assemblin: https://www.assemblin.com/contact/
- Switchboard Caverion: +358 10 4071
- Contact Page Caverion: https://www.caverion.com/contacts/
Invoicing information
- Send pdf-invoice to ab.faktura@assemblin.se
- Box: ecit 5590202551, Box 7016
- Postal code: 831 07
- Municipality: Östersund
- Organisation number: 559020-2551
Get in touch with us
Welcome to Assemblin Caverion Group, a leading northern European provider of smart and sustainable technical installation and service solutions. With our headquarters nestled in Stockholm, Sweden, we serve clients from our divisions at Assemblin and Caverion in Sweden, Finland, Norway, Austria, Germany, Denmark, as well as the Baltics. Wherever you are, rest assured, we're within reach to cater to your needs.
Contact us
If you have any questions or inquiries about Assemblin Caverion Group, feel free to contact us in any matter.